I was
but now
I see.
“Christ is our message! We preach to awaken hearts and bring every person into the full understanding of truth. It has become my inspiration and passion in ministry to labor with a tireless intensity, with his power flowing through me, to present to every believer the revelation of being his perfect one in Christ Jesus.”
—Philippians 1:28-29
On October 3, 2022, I recommitted my life back to Christ.
I grew up a Christian my entire life. But, like many others, I was just an acknowledger. I acknowledged that there was a God, and I acknowledged that Jesus came and died on the cross for my sins, but I never truly had a life-changing relationship with our Lord and Savior. It wasn’t until that Monday night, that I sat with my husband, after what seemed like such a stressful day, that we decided to fully recommit our lives to the Lord. We had an extra cup of communion we had brought home from Sunday’s church service and we shared it as we prayed and asked God to forgive us of our sins, to truly come into our hearts and change them, and to be the one who would guide our lives from that day on.
It was all His now: my life, my home, my marriage, my children, my goals, and my desires. All His. All surrendered at His feet.
And from that day on, I have pursued the Lord with an intense yearning and passion from morning to night. The Word of God says that if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. And He has. Every day I want more and more of Him and every day I wake up with the yearning to reach people for Christ.
I finally understand the meaning of “being blind, but now I see.” I saw it all SO clearly, God is SO good, and He loves us SO much, and all I want to do is share His Word with everyone. I know that I can’t take any possessions with me to Heaven. When I die, I can’t take my house, my car, or my money with me, but I can take people with me. I can win their souls for Christ while I still have time on earth. I can help change lives through God’s word, and that is what I hope to do. My faith has been renewed. I’ve encountered Christ and I feel like Saul on the road to Damascus, transformed with a passion to share the gospel.
Our first bible study got started only a few weeks after I recommitted my life to Christ. We now have a women's and a men's group, and a couples group is next alomg with a magazine in the works. Our goal is to make disciples and not decisions, which is why we build community through discipleship.
May the Lord continue to allow me to share the gospel with those around me and may they come to truly know the life-changing gospel of God in their lives. “Woe to me if I don’t preach the gospel!” 1 Corinthians 9:16
Written by Reyna Lay, Founder of Renewed Faith