In-person & online Bible studies

Building Community Through Discipleship

By focusing on and renewing your faith, you are not suggesting to yourself, God, or anyone else that your faith hasn’t been authentic or valid in the past. Instead, it’s a way to re-center yourself on what’s most important in your life: Jesus and your relationship with him.

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

-Psalm 51:10

In-Person Bible Study

We have a group for both men and women that meet in-person bi-weekly to study God’s word together and for fellowship for a session that lasts 8-12 weeks. Our goal is to learn more about God’s word all while building each other up in Christ.

Online Bible Study

Can’t make our local studies? No problem! We stay accountable by posting our reading online through our Facebook group, Renewed Faith, and share what we’ve learned with each other.


Want to join our next in-person session in 2024? Let us know!